The items listed on this web page are American Medical Directors Association (AMDA) products designed to support the medical director. Products are available through AMDA. The links provided on this page will take you to AMDA’s catalog and order forms on the AMDA website.
The Practice Group Network is available here
How does your practice survive in a world where it’s difficult to maintain margins while providing quality care? Take a deep dive with the Practice Group Network (PGN).
Member Price = $49
- PGN Roundtable Discussion Series (bi-monthly): Practical knowledge you need to help run your practice efficiently. This CME/CMD-eligible series consists of virtual roundtable discussions focusing on topics such as: Medical Director Contracts, ACOs, Health I.T., Telehealth, Risk Management, PDPM, MACRA/MIPS, Frequency of Visits and more.
- Monthly e-Newsletter: Tips for your everyday practice
- Networking Opportunities
Guide to Long Term Care Coding, Reimbursement and Documentation (Now with SOAP Notes included)
AMDA has revamped its Guide to Long Term Care Coding, Reimbursement and Documentation. The updated publication contains documentation requirements as well as one or two AMDA-developed coding vignettes for each of the nursing home family of codes. The booklet also has frequently asked questions, including a question on the use of the prolonged service codes. Your purchase also includes an exclusive Web site link to examples of the documentation needed for each of the following vignettes (e.g. history and physicals, and subsequent visits in SOAP format).
Ordering Information:
Member Price: $26.00
Non-Member Price: $35.00
Follow this link to order
Recommendations for Completing Death Certificates
New for 2016, the Recommendations for Completing Death Certificates are designed to assist physicians through the often complicated process of completing a death certificate. The guidelines include information on understanding the legal definition of death; the roles held by physicians, coroners, medical examiners, and non physician practitioners during the process of pronouncing and certifying death; and in-depth information about properly completing the cause of death.
Ordering Information:
Member Price: $15.00
Non-Member Price: $20.00
Follow this link to order
AMDA Model Medical Director Agreement and Supplemental Materials: Medical Director of a Nursing Facility
This model agreement contract package is intended to serve as a guide for agreements for medical director services for nursing facilities. The complete package includes a model agreement between the medical director and the nursing facility; performance requirements and the roles and responsibilities of a medical director; AMDA’s statement on compensation for medical director services; and CMS requirements for medical directors. The newly revised package also includes information relevant to the updated Medical Director 501 FTag and Stark II prohibition on physician self-referral. (Revised 2006)
Ordering Information:
Member Price: $26.00
Non-Member Price: $35.00
Follow this link to order
AMDA’s Know-It-All system is designed to maximize quality care and avoid unnecessary emergency room visits and hospitalizations. Users of the system also state that it enhances teamwork and mutual respect, and the resident ultimately benefits. In short everyone on the team has to be educated, involved, and working together to reduce avoidable transitions.
Ordering Information:
Member Price: $15.00
Non-Member Price: $20.00
Follow this link to order
Synopsis of Federal Regulations in the Nursing Facility: Implications for Attending Physicians and Medical Directors
An indispensable resource tool for medical directors and other long term care practitioners, the Synopsis of Federal Regulations contains summary charts emphasizing clinical requirements and interpretive guidelines for surveyors as published in the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) State Operations Manual. Although the surveyors are instructed to follow the requirements and to use the Interpretive Guidelines only as guidance, they will most likely follow the Interpretive Guidelines when deciding whether and to what extent facilities meet the intent of the requirements. The Synopsis also contains “Recommendations for Medical Directors and Attending Physicians”—AMDA’s suggestions for physician compliance and good quality long term medical care. (Updated Quarterly)
Ordering Information:
Member Price: $30.00
Non-Member Price: $40.00
Follow this link to order
Tool Kit for Managing Attending Physicians
This kit addresses a range of needs from a basic level of acknowledgement to the very structured level of a formal application for professional services. It will assist the facility and medical director with verifying the qualifications of each attending physician that wishes to serve as a member of the attending physician’s staff and make a decision to grant or deny the right to practice in the facility, and a tool to develop and communicate to the community-based attending physicians.
Ordering Information:
Member Price: $66.00
Non – Member Price: $89.00
Follow this link to order